!hum !! whats d equivalence of studying at d feet of Gamaliel to todays education. This isnt the fullest description of him, but its full enough. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Paul, Silas, and Timothy desired to enter Asia to spread the gospel there, but the Holy Spirit prevented them. Those educational credentials allowed Paul to preach in the synagogues wherever he traveled (see Acts 17:2 ). I differ from many of my former teachers, though I still appreciate their perspective. These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon [Matthew 10:1]. Even though Gamaliel was the one who stated in Acts 5:34-39 that if this Jesus movement were from God there would be no way to stop it, they should just let it run its course, Paul was still influenced heavily by the persecution mindset that the rest of the Sanhedrin had. Neither do I condemn you said Jesus, to a woman entrapped by dogs. To be more like Jesus is what some strive except for me Ive already arrived Im the perfect model since the road to Damascus What were Pauls sins? We have no evidence that I know of to describe his attitude toward those things prior to his Damascus Road and Arabia experiences. I do not think, however, that Paul was a Christian Pharisee. Acts presents the evangelizing apostle and church leader Barnabas as a model of integrity and character. God wants to welcome anyone into His family who has the desire to seek, follow, obey, trust, and love God. Gamaliel may or may not have taken over the position when Simon died. Some of its magic, some its tragic, but Ive had a good life along the way. -Jimmy Buffett. So being an Apostle of Jesus involves being sent by Jesus, yes. Moseley is not wrong: the earliest Christ followers were Jewish and no one tried to convert to Christianity, but that is because there was no Christianity to convert to at that point. Calling him a good man (Acts 11:24), a prophet and teacher (13:1), an apostle (14:14) and one through whom God worked miracles (15:12), Acts loads him with accolades. The words spoken by Jesus, recorded in our Bible by Matthew Mark Luke & John, should be above all other words. ." b. . Paul was actually heeding the words of his teacher Gamaliel, who had said to guard against being "found fighters actually against God" by rejecting his pharisaical life and becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these TWO commandments. [Matthew 22:36-40, Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18], But in contrast with Jesus, Paul the Pharisee didnt know the greatest, most important, first commandment according to Jesus. Is it a commentary on the book of Acts in blog form? Nave's Topical Index. So what is the application of this parable? According to Josephus (Life 38.190-191), Gamaliel belonged to "a highly respected family"; there is no good reason to reject the early Jewish tradition that he was the grandson (or perhaps . On analogy to Supreme Court Justices dissenting in limited and specific cases (anomolies) as a dissenting minority against a majority with whom the dissent would normally agree? Paul has a track record in Scripture of boasting, exaggerating, and stretching the truth to promote himself and make himself appear more important than he really was. Paul = "little". FWIW, the name is spelled Ron Moseley. Happy Pentecost 2017 All praise be to Jesus. Later, when Im at the height of my career, and Im financially secure and I dont have to worry about finding a job or keeping my job, and I have some real influence- maybe 40 years from now, when Im, like, in my sixties, say in around 2013- thats when Ill really be able to stand up for Jesus. For example, I talk a bit about this issue in these posts: https://readingacts.com/2013/08/29/the-new-perspective-on-paul-did-paul-convert-to-christianity/, https://readingacts.com/2013/09/08/paul-and-judaism/, https://readingacts.com/2017/09/04/was-paul-a-pharisee/. Begins with a consonant. How long did it last? The title of Adolf Hitler as the leader of the German Nazis, author of Mein Kamph. Third, as John Polhill observes, several rulings from Gamaliel appear in the Mishnah, the Jewish commentary on the Law. Mainstream Judaism resistance to Paul isnt a sign of absolute proof that he wasnt a student of Hillel. Sign up. The first thing was that they might be with Him personally, together, for His entire earthly ministry, from the time of John the Baptist until Jesus rose to heaven. Many self-professed Bible-believing Evangelicals wont listen to the words of Jesus, because they are brainwashed through reciting their mantra all scripture is God-breathed.. See also John 17:17; Eph 5:17; Acts 2:41. Im following Jesus. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. Of course Gamaliel might have buried St. Stephen as an act of charity, given his stature in the community, not withstanding the hostility of the public. If we need a man or a group of men to interpret the Word for us, that would make it a revelation that needs to be revealed. And most Evangelical pastors who read the Bible spend most of their time listening to the voice of Paul, so they become like Paul. But I digress, James, we had a good run. new nbi director 2021. celsius drink side effects; family as a social construct; hobbies and interests for health care assistant. Christian Pharisees were not unknown, even if we cannot know for sure if the wishful thinking of the traditions is true about Gamaliel and Nicodemus. It seems that people want to limit the intervention of God in the lives of people he intends to use. Human teachers and influences, for some at least, did not matter. I am truly a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as you all are this day. The Apostle Paul met him during his second missionary journey and he became Paul's companion and missionary partner along with Silas. [22] The Roman Catholic church views him as a Saint and listed him in the Roman Martyrology for August 3. Paul did a much better job of marketing himself, and he wrote about himself hundreds of times. Sages of the time didn't have formal recognition or title. If it wasnt for his prior teaching and influence, then he would not of had the zeal and passion. He uses this in Philippians 3:12-14 to describe the Christian walk. But if we want to get closest to The Source, Jesus himself, it makes sense that we should look first to the eyewitness testimony of two of His appointed Apostles who walked with Him faithfully for over 3 years, Matthew & John. 1. I think in certain ways, Paul can be described as a Christian Pharisee who believes in Jesus because there are times when Paul goes very much by the books and follows certain rules. While it is true that Paul did persecute early Christians, it was for his love of the Torah and not because he was rebelling against Roman oppression. What ends up as what we call Christianity and Judaism today both some out of the turmoil of the first two centuries. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Paul's education. We cannot work on assumption that Paul was different to what the book of Acts says. . Perhaps Gamiliels views influenced Pauls personal comments on marriage in 1 Corinthians 7 (Polhill, Paul and his Letters, 30). Wrong. That is absolutely incorrect. Believe. For Chilton, it was the speech of Stephen that forced Paul to openly break from his teacher by participating in the stoning of Stephen (Rabbi Jesus, 43). Maase Hatorah -works of the law 2. So the biggest problem with the church in Corinth was Paul himself, and his abusive absentee leadership style. I admit this is all speculation and I dont have a shred of evidence for any of this but it makes me wonder if Paul was trying to start something extraordinary within Judaism (As he mentions in his defense in Acts 22) and God harnessed that ambition for the glory and advancement of His Church. The cornerstone of Judaism then and now is that although it has guidelines it also leaves rooms for free thought. The sentence begins with So in the NIV and Amplified Bibles, and Therefore in the NASB and King James Bibles, which ties 7:12 to the previous sentences. Why is it so hard to give a straight answer to this simple question? Undoubtedly, most of the Jews knew who Gamaliel was, and thus they allowed Paul to speak. Dear Wilson, Yes there are ! Let every matter be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses, as it says in the Law ! because he said so. If you dont ask about Pauls sins, I wont tell about them. He wrote the book on NT theology, and developed a missionary strategy that evangelized the western Roman empireso maybe three or four degrees at least. The translation of his relics is observed on August 2 . No need to answer. Who did Apostle Paul study under? Youre putting your western views on a Hebraic book that is of near eastern culture. Once you have taken the covenant you are native born. Answer Gamaliel was a first-century Jewish rabbi and a leader in the Jewish Sanhedrin. (check out wikipedia on yeshiva, that will give you a feel for a Torah / talmudic education, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeshiva), I could careless who Saul aka Paul studied with ,the fact that someone studies does not hold anything within that person thinking or make up. Gamaliel was the grandson of Hillel, the most renowned rabbi in Jewish history. But after Paul went solo without Barnabas [Acts 15] I see no record that Paul ever appointed any elders in any church anywhere. When we look at Pauls teachings and testimony about himself, (in his letters that make up 1/3 of the New Testament,) we should NOT immediately ask ourselves; what did Paul say, what did Paul mean, and how does this apply to my life? The fundamental question is NOT what was in the mind of Paul?, Before any of that, the FIRST question to ask is; does Paul agree with Jesus, who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets?, Paul contradicted himself, and his teachings and testimony about himself dont harmonize with the teachings of Jesus (or with Lukes record of his life.) Paul is not a liar; he just has a dual citizenship. Polhil states that perhaps around the age of fourteen to sixteen Paul went to Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel (Acts 22:3), (30). Mantra (noun) (Hinduism.) If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about A.D. 6 at the earliest. Ill have to change the names on these 12 chalkboards hundreds of times in the next couple of millennia. The Lord God Jesus the Jewish Messiah, Son of Yahweh the Most High God of Israel, said: All the Law and the Prophets hang on these TWO commandments. Not one. I dont know of a single church that simply teaches the Bible simply and preaches the whole counsel of God, including Pauls sins and mistakes. Its not easy for me now in 1973, as a young man just trying to start out in ministry. As a result, Paul calls Peter a hypocrite for following Maase HaTorah or in English Works of the Law instead of what following what the Torah actually stated. If you say we dont know enough, or it isnt clear, you are not familiar with the text of the New Testament. If he didnt have the teaching and influence then he wouldnt of had such a bold and confidence approach when speaking to other people. Jesus Leadership Training, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. N. T. Wright describes the Shammaite Pharisee as a militant hard-liner that was not willing to work with Rome as long as they could study the Torah, as Hillel had said (What Saint Paul Really Said, 26). Definition of tentmaker 1 : one that makes tents. He studied under Gamaliel. I am not sure you can compare Pauls education to a modern one. He came so we can turn from darkness And into His glorious light. We should follow the Jesus of the Gospel writers. References to Paul's ancestry and youth. The blog started as a supplement to teaching through Acts at my church, then later college classes. STEP 6) LOOP- REPEAT steps 1 through 5, until your dance partner gives up, the audience gets bored, or the music stops. Just babbling out loud. Pohill points out that Gamaliel seemed to be very resigned about this new Jesus movement, saying that if Christianity was not of Gods will, they would end in disaster just like the false messianic movements in Israels past did (pg 31). What was his first name? he wouldn't just give it all up on a whim, especially not to be jailed, flogged, persecuted, and executed for it. at the feet of Gamaliel"). If Christianity is the church as it is practiced in 2018 then you are correct, that is not present in the book of Acts. As for your denial of a range of opinions in the first century, I suggest a something on the Dead Sea Scrolls, representing a more conservative view of practice than the Pharisees or Sadducees. Well considering I am infact Jewish I dont need your advice on what I should read. Makes sense, but I could not prove this. The Orthodox Muslim view of the Koran as self-evidently the Word of God, perfect and inimitable in message, language, style, and form, is strikingly similar to the fundamentalist Christian notion of the Bibles inerrancy and verbal inspiration that is still common in many places today. Since November 2021, Reading Acts is edited by Sarah Westphal. This passion is evident in his active persecution of those he saw as going against what the Torah taught about the Messiah. Second, Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, so we can get an approximate early date for Pauls education. His primary But we surely can trust that Paul was as Acts 22:3 states: I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today.. In practical terms, regarding texts of the Bible, that means that the most important words are the words of Jesus recorded by The Apostles Matthew and John (closely followed by Mark) in my view. He sent Shaul to the gentiles to teach his message and he is a Pharisee. According to tradition, Gamaliel and Nicodemus buried Saint Stephen outside of Jerusalem. mostly ranting about people not studying the Bible and running around eith misunderstandings. it was mandatory for all males at some point to go to yeshiva this applies to Yeshua and his disciples as well. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. The teachings he received included "the perfect manner of the law of the fathers" (Acts 22:3). He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. It ignores the previous verse, 2 Timothy 3:15, which clearly indicates that Paul was NOT referring to his own letters when he wrote the words All Scripture.. Gamaliel. It is comparing the words of Jesus with the words of Paul (and other men) regarding which one is the Most Important Commandment and which one is the Second commandment, which together fulfill the Law and the Prophets. Why believe a self-described co-redeemer holy spirit comforter who claimed; I became your father, therefore I urge you to imitate me? The testimony of Jesus is the voice of Jesus, (The Red Letters,) recorded by the 11 faithful witnesses, the True Apostles that Jesus personally appointed and trained for over 3 years. Cool ! To think that all Jewish people were completely unified is to share the same fantasy Christians have about the early church. Judas obviously didnt stand by Jesus in his trial, as the whole world knows. What were Pauls specific sins as a Christian? Even if Judas was physically present, as we all realize now, he was not a true follower of Jesus. Why ignore the words of our Lord God Jesus Christ, Son of Yahweh the Most High God of Israel, who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets? Supposition isnt the problem. Your name never appears in the Bible after your appointment as the 12th Apostle in Acts 1. I started following this discussion because I wanted to find out more about Gamaliel, but this thread has thrown up many more points about the Apostles and St Paul in particular. My question is who is the artist who did the painting pictured here, possibly of Gamaliel? There is absolutely no Christianity in the book of Acts. Things will be different then. You should have hired a PR firm to promote your name and make if famous. Youre the one playing fast and loose because youve made nonsense article doctrine even though Paul verbatim tell you where he comes from, his theology. Galatians: Freedom through Gods Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2019). mercer county, pa public records; facts about the roman . Same question; What were Pauls specific sins as a Christian? .1) Fuhrer. Jesus spoke the 3 chapters of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, including 7:12. And no one, not even Paul, ever said that all Scripture was equal. They all make Paul and his teachings the one absolute standard of right and wrong, rather than Gods commandments and the testimony of Jesus. Granted Shammaite pharisees love their Torah to that extent as well, but it is not a distinctly Shammaite practice. These mostly have something to do with marriage and divorce. (Definition from the American Heritage Dictionary.) Notice that at the Last Supper, when Judas lost his throne and Matthias was definitely absent, Jesus chose to speak of thrones rather than twelve thrones as he had previously. Since Paul clearly gives his yeshiva and his lineage, it shows he wasnt a Christian before and after Damascus. .1) There is more New Testament text written specifically about the Church in Corinth than any other church, by far. Minhags- customs attached to moses and the oral law to make them valid that were infact against Torah and corrupt. Tha A in TanAch. Third, as John Polhill observes, several rulings from Gamaliel appear in the Mishnah, the Jewish commentary on the Law. 5:7) Paul takes a Nazarite vow, validate his claim that he doesnt teach against Torah and upholds it. But until 1956 he was Saint Gamaliel according to the Catholic Churchs Roman Martyrology. Acts 21:39 - "But Paul said, ' am a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city . This was like most of Pauls ministry, always doing what God told him and doing what was against the grain. If you dont agree with my interpretations and applications of the facts, fine. (The Hat is, what were Pauls sins?) Here are the basic steps- (there may be one or two other basic steps, but they are very similar to these. Dont be put off by the ravings of Paul the Pharisee that so many Bible-believing Christians push so hard. I choose to believe the testimony of multiple eyewitnesses who walked with Jesus and who knew Jesus personally. Something Paul preaches repeatedly. I tried to look for the beginning (Acts 1), because a friend Im discipling has asked to go through Acts with me, and this looks like good supplement material. There were at least 2 elements of Paul's training. Well then, I will stop responding to you since you are not interested in learning anything which does not conform to your already-made-up mind. Exactly what Issa (p) al Masih said NOT TO! It is a Rembrandt. That is OK, if it is not handy then I can look it up myself. Not the Jesus of the Koran, written by Muhammad the self-appointed prophet, and not the Jesus of Paul the Pharisee, the self-appointed apostle. Lets listen to the voice of Jesus first, and get our priorities straight. As is his conventional style, NT Wright is overly presuppositionsal in so much of his theology generally that I cannot personally ascribe to him much status as a scholarly commentator . three years His claim before . ), STEP 5) Paul said; I do not understand what I do. However the church now says the law has been done away with and they have replace Israel. Or the series on Jewish Christianity starting here: https://readingacts.com/2018/01/18/introducing-jewish-christian-literature/. (John 10:33) This is still the issue with many Jews, God simply cannot become fully Incarnate. I found Pauls athletic references to be really intriguing as well Emily. Since I am teaching through Paul and his Letters again this fall, I thought I would revisit that older post and provide some additional thoughts on Gamaliel as background for reading Paul. What Jesus clearly and specifically said is also superior and more important than your opinions about what you think Jesus meant or implied, but didnt say elsewhere. ). Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. [Philippians 3:12-13] (Response- They say third times a charm. There is absolutely no Christianity in the book of Acts.. That the latter paid especial attention to study is shown by the remarkable classification of pupils ascribed to him, for which a classification of the fish of Palestine formed a basis (Ab. It was no less difficult then, yet it was This is very similar to The Beatles- All you need is love. Acts of the Apostles, 5 speaks of Gamaliel as a man held in great esteem by all Jews and as the Jewish law teacher of Paul the Apostle in Acts 22:3. . Created by. (Mark was intimately connected with Peter since the beginning of the Church, and he acted as scribe for Peter and other Apostles who were illiterate at in their younger years. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Paul's education. Acts recounts the times he faced persecution (13:45; 14:19) and risked his . Had Paul studied under the great rabbi Gamaliel, he would have learnt the scriptures in the Hebrew lan. I dont have any position or influence in the Christian world. But that was the requirement Jesus gave to sit on thrones: You are those who have stood by me in my trials. You, speaking to His 11 Apostles who had been walking with Him faithfully for 3 years. Although Gamaliel was a wise teacher, he was still a Pharisee, so his teaching was not in line with God. The Olympic games were created to honor the gods and Emperors were considered gods. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. There are things which are not revealed and there are things which are revealed to us. For example, Gi. Cant accept the confirmation bias that the Brit Chadasha are jews observing Torah Judaism and removing corrupt fences. His dissertation was published as Jesus the Bridegroom by Pickwick Books in 2012. There are some good reasons to investigate Pauls claim to have been educated by Gamaliel. For Rabbi Saul, the idea that the messiah could be killed is wrong but is it enough to account for a violent reaction like Acts 7 and the stoning of Stephen? Ron Mosely and the archaeology team has gone through great lengths to disprove your theory by presenting actual archaeological evidence.. And Christians do it with pride as there is no Trinity and the Bible doesnt say there is OR that God is more than 1. I would think that he would include that in his self-description as the chief of sinners. If the mere thought of questioning Pauline Doctrine or Pauls truthfulness ruffles your feathers, its a sign that Pauls rotten spiritual fruit has taken root in your life. To know the truth is a blessing from Allah, if I had to guess you just have not been taught what Islam teaches, and we honor all Prophets (pbut) revere the 12 Apostles and have never acknowledged that Paul was one of Jesus (p) Apostles, but have always known he was responsible for the corruption of the Truth about God and the Messiah (p). Paul, however, I think was so strongly devoted to the strict teachings of the Torah, that he had to fundamentally had to disagree with his teacher. He was absolutely brilliant. [1 & 2 Corinthians.}. These lines of reasoning all go back to the false idea that Paul must have been right and Paul couldnt possibly be wrong, so whatever Paul was thinking at the time must have been correct, and we just have to figure out what Pauls intended meaning was and what Paul was really thinking when he wrote these words. That would mean that your opinion about the unknowable unwritten mind of Paul becomes the Word of God. No. This also convinces me that even though it seems he split from Gamaliel, early on, that did not change him into something completely opposite. (Acts 9:20-22) I think his training with Gamaliel was a large influence on his passion though. I dont see this in the text. Kind of long and wordy. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred on one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. [Luke 22:28-30]. Then the Paulist Establishment church wont persecute me, but the other Jesus People will know that Im still keeping the faith and not inhaling., What I really need is a short catchy slogan to let my fellow hippies know what is expected of them in the Establishment Church now in 1973, regarding the issue of Paul the Pharisees sins. Paul states hes a Pharisee Acts 23:6 Paul States he kept Torah, the law through out his life Acts 25:7-8 and 28:17, Paul circumcises Timothy after the town rebukes Timothy for going into ministry uncircumcised (Acts 16:1-3) Paul attends synogogue faithfully (acts 17:1-2) Paul adhering to Passover (acts 18:21-22 and 1 Cor. ) there is absolutely no Christianity in the Hebrew lan, speaking to his 11 apostles had! Go to yeshiva this applies to Yeshua and his disciples as well, but full. Putting your western views on a Hebraic book that is of near eastern culture the Prophets hang on these commandments... ) and risked his the Word of God in the Law however that! 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