Chemical data implied that the substance might be residual oil leaking from the wreckage. [313] The report found that on 20 April 2010, managers misread pressure data and gave their approval for rig workers to replace drilling fluid in the well with seawater, which was not heavy enough to prevent gas that had been leaking into the well from firing up the pipe to the rig, causing the explosion. Cleaning efforts were implemented soon after that using surfactants to disperse the oil to create more surface area for decomposition by microorganisms and other forms of bioremediation . They used skimmer boats to remove a majority of the oil and they used sorbents to absorb any remnant of oil like a sponge. BP set up its own private claims program unilaterally in 2010. Exceptions for these restrictions were granted on a case-by-case basis dependent on safety issues, operational requirements, weather conditions, and traffic volume. The trusteesGovernment officials acting on behalf of the public when there is injury to, destruction of, loss of, or threat to natural resources. [367] David Rainey, BP's former vice-president for exploration in the Gulf of Mexico, was charged with obstructing Congress by misrepresenting the rate that oil was flowing out of the well. [355], The trial's first phase was to determine the liability of BP, Transocean, Halliburton, and other companies, and if they acted with gross negligence and willful misconduct. [116] Booms were criticized for washing up on the shore with the oil, allowing oil to escape above or below the boom, and for ineffectiveness in more than three- to four-foot (90120cm) waves. [360], Barbier ruled that BP had acted with conscious disregard of known risks" and rejected BP's assertion that other parties were equally responsible for the oil spill. These projects allowed us to start restoring the Gulf before the formal damage assessment ended. Corexit EC9500A and Corexit EC9527A were the principal variants. The success of these procedures cleared the way for a bottom kill, considered to be the most likely means of permanently sealing the leak. [93], Oil slicks were reported in March[94] and August 2011,[95][96] in March[11] and October 2012,[97][98][99] and in January 2013. This places stress on many marine and shore habitats by placing an imbalance of nutrients through decreasing the amount of oxygen in the environment, since most petroleum degradation are aerobic processes. ", "Gulf oil spill: Has BP 'turned corner' with siphon success? BP and the Department of Justice agreed to a record-setting $4.525billion in fines and other payments. [338] On 13 January 2013, Judge Barbier approved a medical-benefits portion of BP's proposed $7.8billion partial settlement. [227], A 2014 bluefin tuna study in Science found that oil already broken down by wave action and chemical dispersants was more toxic than fresh oil. This webpage provides information and materials on EPAs enforcement response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, settlements with several of the defendants, including the record-setting settlement with BP Exploration & Production for an unprecedented $5.5 billion Clean Water Act penalty and up to $8.8 billion in natural resource damages. It fouled the coasts of Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas and launched a six-year long environmental and legal battle. The main nutrients added to stimulate the growth of oil degrading microbes during the BP oil spills are nitrate and sulfate fertilizers [6]. Fortunately, unlike higher organisms that are adversely impacted by oil spills, microorganisms are able to . Is there a way to inhibit full degradation of petroleum while producing non toxic organic compounds? Not only was BP required to pay both criminal and civil court ordered penalties of more than $20.8 billion, they funded $500 million in additional research in 2010. restoration plan to address impacts from the spill to the Gulf of Mexico, Trustees final comprehensive restoration plan, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA and the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission Partner to Restore Recreational Fish, Rescued from Deepwater Horizon, a Resilient Native Returns to Queen Bess Island, $226 Million in Projects Approved in Gulf Open Ocean Restoration Plan, Two Partners Recommended for Funding to Restore Habitat From Oil and Hazardous Waste Spills, Comments Welcomed on Deepwater Horizon Open Ocean Draft Restoration Plan, Deepwater Horizon Open Ocean Restoration Plan 1 Finalized, Mississippi Acquires Land in Grand Bay with Deepwater Horizon Settlement Funds, NOAA Announces Latest Partnership to Restore Habitats Damaged by Oil and Hazardous Waste, Deepwater Horizon Trustees to Host Two Public Events, July 18 and 19 in Mississippi, A Decade Later: Advances in Oil Spill Science Since Deepwater Horizon, Deepwater Horizon oil spill contributed to high number of Gulf dolphin deaths, One of the largest oil spills, known as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, occurred in the Spring of 2010 near the coast of Louisiana (USA) due to an explosion during oil drilling activities. [278], On 30 April, President Obama dispatched the Secretaries of the Department of Interior and Homeland Security, as well as the EPA Administrator and NOAA to the Gulf Coast to assess the disaster. But this was only the start of the disaster. ", "Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists", "It's BP's Oil': Running the Corporate Blockade at Louisiana's Crude-Covered Beaches, "BP's Photo Blockade of the Gulf Oil Spill: Photographers Say BP and Government Officials Are Preventing Them from Documenting the Impact of the Deepwater Horizon Disaster", "Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill". The fines from the criminal cases administered by the National Academies of Science offsite link and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation offsite link are used for two programs: After the spill, state and federal agencies undertook an intense scientific study of the impacts of the spill. Being hydrophobic compounds that are less dense than seawater, a large amount of such substances will form sheens on the ocean surface. Appropriate nutrients and dispersants are used in conjunction to help induce growth and increase surface area between oil and microbe by emulsifying the oil respectively [10](refer to Figure 4). It later emerged through documents released by Wikileaks that a similar incident had occurred on a BP-owned rig in the Caspian Sea in September 2008. [20], On 16 June 2010, after BP executives met with President Obama, BP announced and established the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF), a $20billion fund to settle claims arising from the Deepwater Horizon spill. [198][212][213] By 2013, over 650 dolphins had been found stranded in the oil spill area, a four-fold increase over the historical average. This will optimize bioaugmentation as microbe being altered is indigenous to that particular environment. [357][358] According to The Wall Street Journal the U.S. government and Gulf Coast states had prepared an offer to BP for a $16billion settlement. Atlas RM, Hazen TC (2011) Oil Biodegradation and bioremediation: a tale of the two worst spills in US history. [315], The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling released a final report on 5 January 2011. The scientists said that their findings would most likely apply to other large predator fish and "even to humans, whose developing hearts are in many ways similar." Much research has been done on microbes and their implications in oil spills, but there are still much more to know. [191] PAHs can harm marine species directly and microbes used to consume the oil can reduce marine oxygen levels. ", "Matter of Trust creates hair-and-nylon booms to help clean up BP oil spill in Gulf", "BP Provides Lessons Learned From Gulf Spill", "Oil dispersants used in Gulf of Mexico spill causing alarm", "Chemicals Meant To Break Up BP Oil Spill Present New Environmental Concerns", "Migratory Birds Carry Chemicals from BP Oil Spill to Minnesota Two Years After Disaster", "DISPERANTS: Chemicals BP used may cause cancer", "Dispersant 'may make Deepwater Horizon oil spill more toxic' | Environment", "Government defends BP's use of dispersants, but worries linger", "Degraded oil in Mississippi Sound tests positive for dispersants, says lawyer |", "Riki Ott: An Open Letter to US EPA, Region 6", "Corexit: Deadly Dispersant in Oil Spill Cleanup", "In Gulf oil spill, how helpful or damaging are dispersants? [116] The fires released small amounts of toxins, including cancer-causing dioxins. These numbers, coupled with the National Audubon Society scientists' observations of bird colonies and bird mortality well after the acute phase, have led scientists to conclude that more than one million birds ultimately succumbed to the lethal effects of the Gulf oil spill. Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA). Diaz warned that "chronic adverse health effects, including cancers, liver and kidney disease, mental health disorders, birth defects and developmental disorders should be anticipated among sensitive populations and those most heavily exposed". "[318] BP released a statement in response to this, saying, that "even prior to the conclusion of the commission's investigation, BP instituted significant changes designed to further strengthen safety and risk management. On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico. What resulted from this one incident was an economic, political, scientific and legal nightmare. [235][236], Mike Robicheux, a Louisiana physician, described the situation as "the biggest public health crisis from a chemical poisoning in the history of this country. Washington, DC 20036. [6][46] BP challenged the higher figure, saying that the government overestimated the volume. The United States Government report, published in September 2011, pointed to defective cement on the well, faulting mostly BP, but also rig operator Transocean and contractor Halliburton. The Macondo well is found roughly 41mi (66km) off the Louisiana coast. On 20th April 2010, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig lost control of a well as a cement plug installed to temporarily abandon the well hole failed. Repeated or excessive exposure may cause injury to red blood cells (hemolysis), kidney or the liver. The manual adds: Excessive exposure may cause central nervous system effects, nausea, vomiting, anesthetic or narcotic effects. It advises, Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing, and Wear suitable protective clothing. For Corexit 9500 the manual advised, Do not get in eyes, on skin, on clothing, Avoid breathing vapor, and Wear suitable protective clothing. According to FOIA requests obtained by GAP, neither the protective gear nor the manual were distributed to Gulf oil spill cleanup workers. [173] Notwithstanding restrictions, there were 800 to 1,000flights per day during the operations. On 15 July, the device was secured and time was taken closing the valves to ensure the attachment under increasing pressure until the valves were closed completing the temporary measures. 2. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. "[280] Interior Secretary Ken Salazar stated, "Our job basically is to keep the boot on the neck of British Petroleum. The explosion ASM Connect. A finding of gross negligence would result in a four-fold increase in the fines BP would have to pay for violating the federal Clean Water Act, and leave the company liable for punitive damages for private claims. How long does oil spill take to clean up? [59][109] In addition, a white, milky substance was observed seeping from the wreckage. [353], In September 2014, Halliburton agreed to settle a large percentage of legal claims against it by paying $1.1billion into a trust by way of three installments over two years. This was described as a "sick joke" and "a very serious error of judgement" by Friends of the Earth Scotland. Restore and conserve habitat - $4.7 billion, Replenish and protect coastal living resources - $1.8 billion, Provide and enhance recreational opportunities - $420 million, Monitoring, adaptive management and oversight - $1.5 billion. [126] Over 400sorties were flown to release the product. Testing over the past year (2019) reported by, for the pollutants tested have not produced results.[186]. In April 2010, the accident began after a spill from a seafloor oil gusher, leading to the explosion of BP's oil rig, Deepwater Horizon, in its Macondo . Official websites use .gov [2] It was drilling a deep exploratory well, 18,360ft (5,600m) below sea level, in approximately 5,100ft (1,600m) of water. [113] On the most demanding day, 47,849 people were assigned on the response works and over 6,000 Marine vessels, 82 helicopters, and 20 fixed-wing aircraft were involved. NIOSH personnel performed air monitoring around cleanup workers at sea, on land, and during the application of Corexit. In a New York Times opinion piece, Stephen Teague, staff attorney at the Mississippi Center for Justice, argued that BP had become "increasingly brazen" in "stonewalling payments." [172] All flights in the operations' area were prohibited except flight authorized by air traffic control; routine flights supporting offshore oil operations; federal, state, local and military flight operations supporting spill response; and air ambulance and law enforcement operations. [342][344], On 14 November 2012, BP and the US Department of Justice reached a settlement. BP rejected the charges saying "BP believes it was not grossly negligent and looks forward to presenting evidence on this issue at trial in January. Deepwater Horizon oil spill, also called Gulf of Mexico oil spill, largest marine oil spill in history, caused by an April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil riglocated in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 41 miles (66 km) off the coast of Louisianaand its subsequent sinking on April 22. Thousands of animals were visibly covered in oil. assessedinjuries to natural resourcessuch as fish, bottom-dwelling organisms, nearshore ecosystems, birds, sea turtles, and marine mammalsand lost recreation resulting from the spill. Members of the genus Pseudomonas have a very versatile metabolism and are ubiquitous; they possess a set of genes that allow them to degrade most petroleum compounds including polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which are the most stable and recalcitrant compounds proven to be toxic to many organisms including humans [4]. [90][91] On 16 September 2010, the relief well reached its destination and pumping of cement to seal the well began. [201] Prior to the spill, approximately 0.1% of Gulf fish had lesions or sores. NIOSH did note that many of the personnel involved were not donning personal protective equipment (gloves and impermeable coveralls) as they had been instructed to and emphasized that this was important protection against transdermal absorption of chemicals from the oil. [320] Halliburton stated that it was acting only upon the orders of BP when it injected the cement into the wall of the well. Boat captains were given the opportunity to offer the use of their boats to help clean and prevent the oil from further spreading. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. [356][357] The second phase scheduled in September 2013 focused on the flow rate of the oil and the third phase scheduled in 2014 was to consider damages. To assist with the efforts the captains had to register their ships with the Vessels of Opportunity; however, an issue arose when more boats registered than actually participated in the clean-up efforts only a third of the registered boats. A study based on samples taken at several beaches in the Gulf of Mexico before and after the BP oil spill showed a drastic change in the microbial community at the locations [5]. Anthony Badalementi was sentenced to one year probation,[369] Donald Vidrine paid a $50,000 fine and received 10 months probation,[370] Kurt Mix received 6 months' probation,[371] and David Rainey and Robert Kaluza were acquitted. [339] BP also agreed to spend $105million over five years to set up a Gulf Coast health outreach program and pay for medical examinations. 97% of payments were made to claimants in the Gulf States. The Deepwater Horizon accident has brought oil contamination of deep-sea environments to worldwide attention. [81] Prior to establishing the GCCF, emergency compensation was paid by BP from an initial facility. 951 bacterial subfamilies, which, possibly about 16 types contributed to the degradation. Please click here to see any active alerts. These traditional techniques are limited in effectiveness and are expensive due to the large area affected by the BP oil spill. The remaining 20 percent, or $1.33 billion, went to The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, a general government fund established in 1986 to aid in oil spill removal and assessment of the damage they have caused. [127][128][129], A 2011 analysis conducted by Earthjustice and Toxipedia showed that the dispersant could contain cancer-causing agents, hazardous toxins and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. [310] Also the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce conducted a number of hearings, including hearings of Tony Hayward and heads of Anadarko and Mitsui's exploration unit. The PAHs were most concentrated near the Louisiana Coast, but levels also jumped 23 fold in areas off Alabama, Mississippi and Florida. The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana has established the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill website for this purpose. Bioaugmentation is the inoculation of a relatively small amount of oil-degrading microbes into an affected area. According to EPA's report, the released amount is not enough to pose an added cancer risk to workers and coastal residents, while a second research team concluded that there was only a small added risk. [130] Environmental scientists expressed concerns that the dispersants add to the toxicity of a spill, increasing the threat to sea turtles and bluefin tuna. The effect of the microscopic oil droplets on the ecosystem was unknown, though their presence, along with that of a layer of oil several inches thick discovered on portions of the seafloor in September, cast doubt on earlier predictions about the speed with which the discharged oil would dissipate. It also included economic damage claims submitted by the five Gulf states and their local governments. "[319] Transocean, however, blamed BP for making the decisions before the actual explosion occurred and government officials for permitting those decisions. [198] Chemicals from the spill were found in migratory birds as far away as Minnesota. Birds were particularly vulnerable to the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Women who suffered a high degree of economic disruption as a result of spill were significantly more likely to report wheezing; headaches; watery, burning, itchy eyes and stuffy, itchy, runny nose. Microbial biosurfactants help in bioremediation of hydrophobic compounds by two main mechanisms. [89], On 3 September 2010, the 300-ton failed blowout preventer was removed from the well and a replacement blowout preventer was installed. The volume of oil escaping the damaged welloriginally estimated by BP to be about 1,000 barrels per daywas thought by U.S. government officials to have peaked at more than 60,000 barrels per day. Various risks were identified and evaluated, in particular, that an increase in microbial activity might reduce subsea oxygen levels, threatening fish and other animals. Restoring the Gulf of Mexico After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, 2010 National Coastal Condition Assessment Results and Report, National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives, Enforcement and Compliance Annual Results for FY 2022, February 17, 2012: $90 million civil settlement with, January 3, 2013: $1 billion civil settlement with, RestoreTheGulf: official federal government site for spill. [74] Pumping heavy drilling fluids into the blowout preventer to restrict the flow of oil before sealing it permanently with cement ("top kill") also failed. An explosion occurred on the ocean surface made to claimants in the Gulf before the formal damage ended... Higher figure, saying that the substance might be residual oil leaking from wreckage. 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